Thursday, July 12, 2012

Breaking Down Blizzard's "Random" Defense

Let's talk about why elites are organized the way they are, and why it should change.

From Lylirra:

Monster affixes are actually grouped into categories and then restricted based on those categories (to a degree). Our restrictions aren’t as tight as some players have suggested, but in the end we found that adding extra limitations often made Elite pack encounters very predictable and repetitive, which kind of went against our design goal for these types of monsters.
We know that not all players will see eye-to-eye with us on how these categories are organized, and we expect some criticism and disagreement, especially from such a passionate group of gamers. While we’re happy with where affix combos are right now, we’re open to feedback and especially constructive discussion. :)

I have feedback with constructive discussion.
I think this is a valid point that the dev team makes about not wanting every elite encounter to feel the same. If you categorized them differently, the way I suggested in this blog (or will suggest if it's not been posted yet), then there is that danger.

But let's look into that. Why is this true? Why would all elite encounters feel the same?
Because the modifiers are too homogenous. They already feel the same, and what's much worse than that, they are monotonous encounters. It isn't the categories that make them feel monotonous. It's the "sameness" across the modifiers within the categories.

So how would you get a system to work where you pooled modifiers from four strict categories? By making the modifiers more varied and interesting. And since the game is already released, my goal as a fan suggesting things would only entail suggesting things that are data-driven and not requiring new art or sound assets. I think this works out well for everyone, don't you?

Let me give you an example currently in the game, assuming we're playing in Inferno. Take these two packs, and run a simulation in your head (or in-game, even) about combat between a barbarian and both of these boss packs:

Pack 1: Plagued, Vortex, Jailer, Arcane Enchanted

Pack 2: Molten, Desecrator, Waller, Avenger

They don't really play any differently, do they? No. Especially with Nephalem Valor, you are going to be attacking both packs in the exact same way.

The fear you have of encounters feeling the same is already happening. So let's try for something new, something better. I have a mantra in life. It's this: There is always a better way.

It doesn't matter if it's a better way to butter toast, or to put a satellite into orbit. There's always a better way. Always. This is a good thing. Let's find a better way.

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