Go ahead, Cornelius, you can cry.
You guys sure have been taking a lot of shit for end game, I won't deny that. I also won't deny that you've even been attacked by the bottom-scraping, asshole-sucking sycophantic worthless general gaming media. *ahem*
Here's the thing about Diablo III's end game, though. It's exactly the same as Diablo II's.
But we didn't mind that so much, did we? There's two things about that:
1. We did have PVP.
2. The item system was better.
3. We had goals beyond that. (Level 99)
I almost said 4. Combat was better. but honestly Diablo III has more potential for good combat than Diablo II did. It's just not there yet.
So let's turn the clock forward: pvp has been released, people will probably enjoy it even though I'm only expecting the bare minimum. I'll be pissed if there's no bracketed LLD for twinking. Anyway. PVP is out, it's good, people like it. Smash faces in the arena, and what not. Items have been improved, we have stuff to look for. It'd be fine.
Now, I'm not saying that I wasn't horribly disappointed that this was it. You guys spent so long shit-talking Diablo II without taking what worked from it that I was surprised. But still.
There's no goals. At least let us get trivial, pointless leveling back. I know there's trouble with that because of how defenses and things are calculated (by clvl) but just don't count them as real levels. We have something that is constantly improving.
So what should we get when we level up? Maybe a stat point. Maybe. An achievement every ten levels, let us get to 100 instead of 99 dammit. Maybe the banner sigil for level 100 can be a frozen stopwatch. :p
I don't know. I'm just saying, if a few aspects of the game were up to snuff, the current end game would be a lot more enjoyable, and perhaps we wouldn't have heard this kind of talk to begin with. Because if you think about it, this is what we did in D2, and many of the hardcore fans were more than happy to do it.
So at a bare minimum, when these things are improved, we have a slightly improved end game over what we saw in D2. It's a good launching point into something better.
(But I really wish there had been some kind of pvp dota-mode in the game)
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